Third meeting of Component 1

Mar 5, 2024 | News

The third meeting of Component 1 of the CRONOS project took place on 12 February 2024 at 10 a.m. The meeting was attended by Josip Stipčević, Dinko Šindija, Helena Latečki, Lucija Golub, Nina Matsuno, Marija Mustać Brčić, Marijan Herak, Igor Vlahović, Darko Matešić, Bojan Matoš and the Norwegian project partners Stéphane Rondenay and Lars Ottemöller.

The first presentation was given by Josip Stipčević. He presented everything the project has acquired so far out of larger equipment: 13 seismographs and a unit for distributed acoustic measurement (DAS), and what is still to come: 10 seismographs, an additional DAS unit and small equipment. Next, he talked about the field work conducted to search for the epicenter location of the Makarska earthquake of 1962. He briefly presented the first results and conclusions of the field work, along with tasks and plans for the project ending, with special emphasis on the installation of DAS devices and problems related to the selected locations.

Dinko Šindija talked about the seismological network of the CRONOS project. He presented the current state of seismic stations, data availability, server storage and workstation. Dinko later presented his work on an earthquake catalog using machine learning. He compared the resulting catalog with those of the Croatian Seismological Service and Herak & Herak (2023) for the first 6 months of 2021.

Igor Vlahović and Bojan Matoš from the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering presented the current results from the assessment of the seismogenic potential and the characterization of the fault system. They also presented plans for the upcoming months – structural interpretation of recorded profiles on the seabed near Makarska and structural-geological research on Brač and Hvar.

Helena Latečki briefly presented her work on the 3D model of the crust and the earthquake shaking scenario of the 1962 Makarska earthquake, and Lucija Golub presented her research on anisotropy of the region in order to gain a better insight into subduction under the Dinarides and the existence of a slab gap. She also presented her progress on teleseismic GRT migration, which she started during her three months stay in Bergen with prof. Stéphane Rondanay.

For the last presentation, Iva Dasović talked about the visibility and outreach of the project on social media and the CRONOS website, which was followed with a seminar by Prof. Lars Ottemöller on earthquake swarms in Norway.