Presentation of the stations in Sinj and Vrlika

Oct 18, 2024 | News

On October 2, 2024, an on-site inspection was carried out for the CRONOS project (Investigation of seismically vulnerable areas in Croatia and seismic ground motion assessment), by the Manager of the “Local Development and Poverty Reduction” Program of the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds. As part of the verification, an inspection was made of borehole accelerographic systems at locations in Sinj and Vrlika, financed under budget items 3.2.2. Borehole accelerographs, acquired within the procurement procedure “Procurement of accelerographs and perishable equipment for the needs of the CRONOS project”, Group 2 “Borehole accelerographs with associated equipment”.

Bruno Mravlja, collaborator on the CRONOS project gave a presentation on accelerographic systems – presenting the components of the system, explaining the mode of operation and function; and showing the record of seismic waves in real-time and their transfer to a computer server. For each of the locations, the geological structure of the area and the specifics that determined the selection of the location of the station and the depth of the wells were explained. The results of the CRONOS project were presented and summarized. The inspection was attended by Jelena Franotović Krmpotić and Branka Lovrić as representatives of the Program Manager; and Bruno Mravlja and Assoc. Prof., Ph.D. Josip Stipčević as the project assistant of the CRONOS project.

Prepared by Bruno Mravlja

Figure 1. Borehole accelerographic system in Sinj

Figure 2. Borehole accelerographic system in Vrlika