
Research papers

Component 1

Dasović, I., Herak, M., Herak, D., Latečki, H., Sečanj, M., Tomljenović, B., Cvijić-Amulić, S., Stipčević, J. (2023): The Berkovići (BIH) ML = 6.0 earthquake sequence of 22 April 2022 – seismological and seismotectonic analyses, Tectonophysics, accepted for publishing.

Component 2

Stanko, D., Markušić, S. (2024): Site amplification model for Croatia estimated by random vibration theory-based site response analysis, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 179, 108547.

Stanko, D.; Korbar, T.; Markušić, S.: Evaluation of the Local Site Effects and Their Implication to the Seismic Risk of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Old City of Dubrovnik (Croatia). Journal of earthquake engineering, 28 (2024), 3; 731-759. doi: 10.1080/13632469.2023.2220029 

Uglešić, J.S., Skendrović, F., Lončar, I., Markušić, S., Stanko, D. (2022): Regionally adjusted ground motion model: Case study of the ML6.2 (Mw6.4) Petrinja (Croatia) 2020 earthquake, Stud. Geophys. Geod. 66, 162–186.

Stanko, D., Sović, I., Belić, N., Markušić, S. (2022): Analysis of Local Site Effects in the Međimurje Region (North Croatia) and Its Consequences Related to Historical and Recent Earthquakes, Remote Sensing 14(19), 4831.

Other publications

Kučko, B.: Strukturna istraživanja na području Biokova / Matoš, Bojan (mentor); Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2023

Latečki, H.; Molinari, I.; Stipčević, J.: What’s Shaking in the Adriatic Sea? – Implications of Ground Motion Simulation of the 2021 Central Adriatic Earthquake. Future Directions: Physics-Based Ground-Motion Modeling Vancouver, Kanada, 10.10.2023-13.10.2023

Markušić, S.; Sović, I.; Stanko, D.; Šariri, K.: Reanalysis of historical earthquakes – case study: The great Zagreb (Croatia) 1880 earthquake. The 28th IUGG General Assembly (IUGG2023) Berlin, Njemačka, 11.07.2023-20.07.2023

Lončar, I.; Causse, M.; Vallee, M.; Markušić, S.: Slow rupture propagation and large stress drop during the 2020 Mw6.4 Petrinja earthquake. EGU23, the 25th EGU General Assembly. Beč: Copernicus Publications, 2023. 4934-4934 doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4934

Lončar, I.; Markušić, S.; Ivančić, I.: CRONOS Project: Main Features of Seismicity Analysis for the Central and Southern Croatian Coastal Area. Proceedings of the 2nd Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Zagreb: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Građevinski fakultet, 2023. 990-991 doi: 10.5592/CO/2CroCEE.2023.22

Markušić, S.; Stanko, D.; Korbar, T.: The importance of local soil conditions evaluation – Case study: Old City of Dubrovnik (Croatia). Global Congress on Civil, Infrastructure and Environmental Engineering Dubai, Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati, 23.10.2023-25.10.2023

Dasović, I., Markušić, S., Stipčević, J. (2022): Projekt „Geofizičko-seizmološka istraživanja potresom ugroženih područja u RH i razvoj atenuacijskih relacija predviđanja seizmičkog gibanja tla – CRONOS“ (in Croatian), Vijesti Hrvatskog geološkog društva 59(1), 33–34. Poveznica.