The CRONOS project members at the AdriaArray Workshop 2023 in Dubrovnik

Apr 11, 2023 | News

The international meeting AdriaArray Workshop 2023 was held in Dubrovnik on 3 – 5 April 2023 which brought together 90 seismologists, geophysicists and geologists from 22 European countries. The previous work on the installation of seismic stations in South and Southeastern Europe was presented, and research directions and specific cooperation were agreed upon. The meeting took place at the Center for advanced academic studies Dubrovnik of the University of Zagreb. It was organized with the support of ORFEUS (Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seismology) and EPOS (European Plate Observing System) through the EPSO-SP project from the Horizon 2020 program, while the local organiser was the Department of Geophysics of the Faculty of Science at the University of Zagreb.

AdriaArray is an international initiative with a goal to create a dense seismic network in the area between the Apennines and the Carpathians and the Alps to the south of Italy and Greece to improve international cooperation among scientists and to better understand the internal structure and tectonics of the Adriatic microplate and its active edges in the central Mediterranean. This will enable better understanding of the earthquake and volcanic activity in this large area. The installation of seismic stations and scientific research is coordinated by the AdriaArray Seismological Group based on FAIR and open data exchange.

In this workshop, Croatian seismologists from the Department of Geophysics of the Faculty of Science in Zagreb also actively participated – both seismologists from the Andrija Mohorovičić Geophysical Institute and the Croatian Seismological Survey. Iva Dasović and Josip Stipčević were the local organizers of this meeting. Dinko Šindija presented a joint work with Marija Mustać Brčić on the application of machine learning in locating earthquakes – it is part of their work on Component 1 of the CRONOS project. Helena Latečki participated in the discussions, and together with Branimir Turudić, helped organise the meeting and the visibility of the CRONOS project. Josip Stipčević, leader of CRONOS’ Component 1, and our project partner from the University of Bergen, Stéphane Rodenay, led a discussion in the session on research on the receiver functions methods. Iva Dasović also participated as the co-convenor of the engineering seismology session. It should also be noted that the seismic stations installed so far within the framework of the CRONOS project’s Component 1 in Dalmatia form part of this large network of seismographs and will enable the implementation of important seismological research.

Prepared by Iva Dasović