Working meetings were held regarding the installation of borehole accelerographs in Vrlika and Sinj

Feb 28, 2023 | News

On February 21, 2023, a meeting was held at 10:30 am between representatives of the City of Vrlika (Marijana Matić, Head of the City Administration, and Božo Gverić, Municipal Inspector) and representatives of the Geophysics Department, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, including Associate Professor Snježana Markušić, Assistant Professors Mario Gazdek and Davor Stanko (members of the project team of Component 2 of the CRONOS project). Following an initial meeting held in June 2022, the representatives of the City of Vrlika were presented with a timeline for conducting geotechnical exploration drilling and installing a borehole accelerometer in the area, and an agreement was reached on the selection of the most suitable location for drilling the exploration well. Presentations were given on the drilling process, borehole characteristics, and the importance of borehole measurements. The drilling and installation of the borehole accelerometer are planned for the second quarter of 2023.

On the same day, a meeting was held at 1:00 PM between representatives of the City of Sinj (Denis Bobeta, Deputy Mayor and Chief of the Civil Protection Headquarters of the City of Sinj, Ivana Pavić, Acting Head of the Department of Economic Development, European Union Funds, and Public Procurement, and Sanja Bešlić, Acting Head of the Department of Property and Spatial Planning) and representatives of the Department of Geophysics of the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, led by Associate Professor Dr. Snježana Markušić (members of the Component 2 project team of the CRONOS project). This was a crucial phase of the “Investigation of seismically vulnerable areas in Croatia and seismic ground motion assessment ” – CRONOS project, given that the Dalmatia region (the area of the city of Sinj and its surroundings) is known to be among the most earthquake-prone areas in Croatia. Following an initial meeting held in June 2022, the representatives of the City of Sinj were presented with a timeline for conducting geotechnical exploration drilling and installing a borehole accelerometer in the area, and an agreement was reached on the selection of the most suitable location for drilling the exploration well. As part of the CRONOS project, microzoning of the City of Sinj will be carried out, providing a seismic background that is essential for urban planning to enable high-quality information for earthquake-resistant construction, a crucial prerequisite for further city development. The drilling and installation of the borehole accelerometer are planned for the second quarter of 2023.

The meeting was reported on the websites of the City of Sinj and the Ferata portal. The publications can be viewed at the following links:

Prepared by Branimir Turudić and Iva Lončar

Working meeting in Vrlika
Working meeting in Sinj